Sporting Goods Properties, Inc. (SGP) has made considerable progress investigating and addressing onsite impacts resulting from past industrial uses. All corrective measures are performed under a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 3008(h) consent order with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Both USEPA and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) provide oversight of the corrective measures remedy selection and implementation.
The remediation of Lake Success and soils on the property was completed in accordance with RCRA. Activities included the removal of unexploded ordnance and materials related to the past manufacture and testing of large and small caliber munitions.
Groundwater is monitored and sampled on a regular basis to ensure conditions do not present a risk to the community. In addition, the entire property is subject to an Environmental Land Use Restriction (ELUR) prohibiting future residential use, which has been in place since 1999.
Community Advisory Panel
A Community Advisory Panel (CAP) representing a broad cross-section of the community serves as a conduit for information regarding the environmental investigation and remediation of the Lake Success property. SGP holds CAP meetings on a regular basis. Upcoming CAP meetings will be posted on this website.